Deep sea research gallery

Okinawa Trough

Last briefing with the submarine crew, on the board of Natsushima (+10 m)
Dive information board (+5 m)
Natsushima, our carrier (JAMSTEC) (0 m)
Entering the submarine Shinkai-2000 (photo by Okoshi, Sendai University) (+5 m)
There's no way back (1 m)
Submarine being released (0 m)
Sinking to the unknown (photo by Fujiwara, JAMSTEC) (-6 m)
Aggregates of Shinkaia crostnieri around an active chimney (-1600 m)
Bathymodiolus platifrons colony (-1600 m)
Quantitative measurement of the crustaceans (-1600 m)
Control area further away from hydrothermal discharges (-1600 m)
An unexpected visitor (-1200 m)
After the dive (+5 m)
The crew (+5 m)

(c) JAMSTEC Japan Marine Science and Technology Center, 2002